Monday, October 18, 2010


A wise woman I know reminds the youth she works with that not everyone gets to vote. Yes, our process is flawed. Yes, our choices can be frustrating. But how do we expect anything to get any better by just sitting and complaining!

Lee Hamilton was on Diane Rehm today and reminded listeners that freedom brings responsibility. He also stated that a politician's job is to build consensus towards solutions, not to tear each other apart. I think voters should do the same thing! Let candidates know your thoughts. Weigh concerns, weigh options for solutions, listen to all sides, and make an informed, rational choice. VOTE! And after we vote, we should pitch in and get involved in our communities, making them stronger from the roots.

There are still two weeks to research candidates. For starters, Indiana voters can use the Indianapolis Star's handy voter guide to help us figure out who is running in our districts. But that's just a starting point--it's a great idea to do some research and see what the candidates are saying in their own words (and consider the source of other information). You can even vote early.

And be bold! Don't be afraid! Or as someone said last election cycle, vote your hopes and not your fears.

Here's my chance to sneak in a plug for a lovable little cartoon--a lighthearted look at what can happen when we vote in fear. And please, remember to Vote, Vote, Vote!


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