Wednesday, November 24, 2010

grateful . . .

. . . for the striped cat curled up in my lap and his fluffy brother at my side

. . . for the steaming, fragrant cup of tea prepared with love by my kindhearted husband

. . . for the work that pays the bills and feeds my soul

. . . for green grass and crunchy leaves

. . . for the redemptive powers of love and grace

. . . for moments of beauty and truth

. . . for friends who lighten my spirit and make me a better person

. . . for family who loves, loves, loves

. . . for my husband, lifelong love, and friend, who nurtures my heart and brings so much joy

. . . for surprises and new beginnings

. . . for challenges, and for the strength to see them through

. . . for growth and change

. . . for a path directed by wisdom higher than mine

. . . for daydreams and memories

. . . for life and breath and time

" . . . If the only prayer you say in your life is 'thank you,' that would suffice."
--Meister Eckhart

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! May your day overflow with moments of gratitude and joy.


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