Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Consumption Check-Up

Remember our consumerism fast? The effects are still lingering. It's pretty enjoyable. I had a couple of rough patches, like really wanting to use the WiFi at a coffee spot downtown but feeling guilty for going in but not buying. I called my husband so he could talk me down, and it worked. I sat in my car and typed. But overall, it was nice to remind ourselves to spend our time and money on things that really matter. We are more mindful of how we shop and how our purchases affect others. And really, we just don't miss shopping.

With Advent starting Sunday, we are planning to celebrate our holiday season intentionally. That means more people, more reflection, more sights, sounds, and smells, more time, and less stuff--and it begins now. You won't see us shopping on Black Friday! Some stores are opening Thursday, for pity's sake. I am all for workers getting holiday pay if they want it, and everyone agrees that jobs are good in this climate, I just feel for the workers sacrificing their rest, sanity, and family time. I know lots of people who love Black Friday shopping and use it as a family ritual, too, and that can be a good thing. I just wonder if it's gotten out of hand . . . people hurt each other, people have even died, just over saving a few dollars to buy something they might have done without. It's just not something we can participate in and still enjoy our day.

So this Friday, we will continue our consumerism fast. We'll rest, exercise, probably work (that's another post for another day--but I'm doing better!), and enjoy each other. Our family ritual is to put the Christmas decorations up, break out our favorite Christmas music, make a big meal, and set the tone for our holiday season.

What about you? How do you celebrate this famed day after Thanksgiving?


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