Monday, September 27, 2010


I've been over-stressing my body for years, I am sad to say. Last year, it responded by diminishing my breathing ability to less than 80%. Once my doctor helped me get that under control, my heart rate increased. Basically, my body was over-producing stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, etc) at such a high rate that I could no longer process them. The stress I chose to live in was manifesting in my body as fight or flight response, but I didn't need to do either! The excess energy translated into anxiety. ICK.

So, my body was doing what my mind would not: demanding I take better care of myself. This year has been a journey in just that. It's ridiculous, but I had to get over the idea that taking care of myself is selfish. By reframing being my best self as a job responsibility, I started prioritizing things like sleep, fun, and relaxation. I am getting glimpses of myself as a better person, and I like it.

At this point, any non-pharmaceutical intervention that lowers cortisol is a worthy investment. I am trying different approaches to see what works well for me. I've started practicing yoga again, reading for fun, and spending more time at home. I've even been to the spa twice in the last year--which more than doubles my previous number of visits! A good friend (who's a genius nutrition scientist) recently suggested regular massage. It sounds like such a luxury, and quite honestly, for many people it is. But health and wellness should not be luxuries! Massage is good for my mind, body, and spirit, and recent studies have proven its ability to lower cortisol. I am definitely willing to try it!

I still feel a need to justify this as a necessary medical intervention. But really, why should I? Last I checked, taking a Sabbath is in the top tier of the 10 commandments. It's required! And for me, taking time to myself and releasing muscle tension feeds my soul. Really, taking care of myself is teaching me about walking humbly. By accepting support and nurturing from others, I am becoming stronger. And I am so thankful!


Unknown said...

on an airplane they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping someone else. glad you are taking care of yourself. we love you, Mom Clark

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