Monday, September 6, 2010

Just Living, Round 1

Why the heck am I starting another blog?

There are so many blogs I love. I love how Dana shares her discoveries (and excellent taste). I love how Nancy shares her family adventures, while Julie reflects on a lifestyle of service. Carla always tells the truth, even when it's hard--and I always learn from her. And Cara, the lovely woman who suggested I start a new blog, reflects on the little thoughts, feelings, and ideas that come along, integrating them with musings on weightier matters.

So with these and so many more blogs out there, why another?

After months of conversation, Cara thought we should bring it public. We’ve shared the challenge of living in our culture without relying on exploitation or long-term harm, as well as our plans for taking time for ourselves and our love ones to enjoy the simple things. Both of these are lessons I am seeking: living simply, living in justice . . . just living.

I care very deeply about matters of justice and mercy. As an American, it is extremely difficult to live those values in an integrated way--as it stands, I am typing this on a laptop which likely contains cadmium sourced from oppressive warlords. Perhaps my soapbox issues don’t make the best dinner conversation, but I am drawn to them no less.

While I spend my days as a social worker and volunteering in global issues, I believe that everyone can change the world. We need electricians, bringing light and warmth. We need financial services, managing the funds we use to care for ourselves and others. We need medical professionals, academics, engineers, and service workers. We need technicians. We need full-time parents. Our society needs everyone, working together and caring about justice, to make the world a better place.

So, after this winding all over the place, why the new blog?

To give and receive encouragement with other people seeking to act justly in their daily lives, beyond the way they earn a living.

To share my heart in loving mercy, and to share what I learn from others who love mercy.

To reflect on lessons in walking humbly, as I am finally learning the importance of caring gently for myself as I seek to care for others.

I don’t promise brilliance, innovation, or even entertainment. But for people considering how daily life affects the world—in global and local issues of justice, and in the lives of our family and friends—I promise conversation, ideas, and encouragement. Like my friends, I’ll share tips and daily musings, reflect on my career, and speak honestly from my perspective. And I promise a deeper glimpse into who I am as I seek to live my values; living simply, seeking justice, just living.

I hope you’ll join me.


cara said...

love it!! so glad you took the 'plunge' and started another one~ so excited to see what comes next!

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