Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ToT Returns!

Together on Tuesday is back!

I still have some catch-up posts to do (and they are floating around in my head!), but I'm forging onward! Let Together on Tuesday 2013 commence!

Many of the ToT ladies are posting a photo a day. I know myself better than to promise anything like that--that isn't happening. I WISH I loved (or was good at) taking photos. I love having the photos, but I find the whole process daunting . . . remembering to take them, getting a good shot, uploading, editing, storing, ordering, sharing, displaying . . . not my forte. That's why there's Purple Peaches Photography! But I digress.

I am taking more photos, really I am. I am planning to post more of them--grandmas like that :). And I am planning to post a photo year in review . . .that is still coming! But there will be no daily photos from me.

There WILL be plenty of Together on Tuesday posts, on topics shared with the ladies to the right--Charlotte at The Dog Days of Life, Danielle at My Peaches and Cream, Michelle at After 9 and Some Weekends, and Nancy at Purple Peaches. (There are some other ladies as well, but I haven't heard if they are still on the train . . . ) It really is pretty great to blog along with encouraging women--and it's good motivation to keep writing, which is good for the soul (at least for my soul). If you're interested in joining in, we'd love to have you! Just comment below and we'll get you connected.

I have a few Just Living posts in mind, too . . . you know, about the little ways anyone can change the world. I tend to write ToT with the Just Living bent, but I have a few more things to share here and there. My social worker mind never shuts down . . . I love thinking about this, but sitting down to write becomes the challenge. I'd love to hear from anyone on this, too--guest posts are welcome, comments, thoughts, ideas, questions, you name it.

So that's that. Thank you for reading--I hope you'll stay on and join in when the spirit moves!


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