Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ToT: Laundry List

If you haven't noticed, my fellow Together on Tuesday bloggers are pretty busy. There have been vacations, moves, babies on the way, and just craziness in life. I have been enjoying my Monday evening blogging pomodoro as part of the rhythm of my week, and I'm pretty proud of that--though there will be some hiatus in the future. (Yep, I blog for Tuesdays on Monday. Sue me.) Anywho, in deference to playing catch-up, and with regards to the great Carla Morgan (from whom I stole the idea), I give you the Laundry List.

(Which, as we discussed on Carla's private blog, doesn't make much sense. Who lists their laundry? Then I remembered I did list my laundry . . . when Hotel Tsentralnaya washed and ironed ALL my clothes--underwear and socks too--on a visit to Kirov, Russia. So that's what a real laundry list is.)

1. My kid is still awake. Again.
2. Every time we think we've figured out his sleep schedule, he changes it.
3. He ought to be exhausted, but he is really, really happy. Which makes it tons better.
4. My puny garden has had the same peppers and tomatoes for a couple of weeks now, with little change.
5. I know it's been said, but we would LOVE some rain.
6. This country needs better discussion and treatment around mental health issues.
7. Not everyone needs to have weapons. There, I said it.
8. I fear there are some things our culture is not willing to sacrifice in return for safety and quality of life.
9. For example, I can easily get depressed at the grocery store.
10. Cheetos are not food.
11. I have always thought food stamps should not buy Cheetos but should but toilet paper and diapers. Who's with me?
12. My kid is now "reading" his favorite animal book.
13. I love that he loves books.
14. He's a pretty great dancer too.
15. And baby kisses can make pretty much anything better.
16. I think I am starting to get my mommy legs.
17. The last two weeks have been much more balanced--I have only worked my scheduled hours, no extra drama.
18. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
19. I am glad my supervisors had the foresight to juggle my cases so this could happen.
20. You can't underestimate the importance of working with good people.
21. Mommy legs or not, post-partum depression and anxiety are no joke.
22. I'm not afraid to say so.
23. At least 1 in 7 mamas get it, and it's pretty underreported.
24. Women weren't meant to raise children all alone in little boxes separate from each other.
25. I am so beyond thankful for my loving, supportive family and friends.
26. My heart breaks for the moms I work with who do not have the love and support I have.
27. Lots of them are still healing from a very painful childhood, too.
28. No wonder we see them when they are struggling to parent.
29. In my wildest dreams, women would have the support they need as they transition into motherhood.
30. And men would have the support they need to be solid fathers.
31. So watch out, my dreams are incubating.
32. I hardcore cleaned out the dishwasher yesterday, with tools and dissassembly and everything.
33. I am still having flashbacks.
34. It did nothing to persuade me to love my husband's coffee habit.
35. What can persuade me is that my husband is a much brighter person when he has his coffee.
36. Today I started some rice in the slow cooker, being the together,balanced person that I am, so we could have it a couple of meals this week.
37. I forgot to plug it in.
38. I have learned some new, simple ideas for reducing water waste.
39. Example: when running water to warm up your shower, catch it in a bucket and use it to water your garden.
40. Now I have to actually implement some of these cool ideas.
41. And I really want to get a rain barrel.
42. It's really good to remove unwarranted anxiety from any decision-making process, especially if the coming change could be pretty positive.
43. Just got back from a nursing break . . .
44. . . . any my baby is still awake.
45. It's hard to sleep when you've pooped your pants.
46. I got some extra cuddles and giggles out of it, though.
47. I can't believe this guy

is now this guy

48. I am incapable of taking a photograph that grasps my little guy in all his deliciousness.
49. I wonder when I will find more time to blog about living justly while being a mommy.
50. Blogging in list form is strangely satisfying.

Check out the other Together on Tuesday bloggers listed on the right for some randomness from their world. And if you'd like to join Together on Tuesday, you are welcome! You can contact any of us by leaving a comment.


Barb Clark said...

I enjoyed reading your "laundry list". Can identify with several. Love you!

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